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Toy Run - United Bikers of Maine
Sunday, September 08, 2024, 08:00am - 05:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

UBM holds an annual Toy Run second Sunday in September, All toys collected are divided up between all counties and distributed to those in need.  Toy drop off from 10:00-2:00 stop by! Bring an unwrapped Christmas present for local kids in need. Ride in with your own group or meet up with your local United Bikers of Maine chapter.
you don't have to be a biker to stop in and check it out. Plenty of parking for everyone. car/jeep/truck clubs are welcome. 

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May be an image of motorcycle, toy, bicycle and text that says '43rd Annual United Bikers Of Maine TOY RUN SEPTEMBER 08 Windsor Fair Grounds, 82 Ridge Rd, Windsor Maine Maine Inc. Since Bkers Dưan ਨਾ FOOD, VENDORS, UBM GEAR!!! MEMBERSHIP. FREE PICTURES WITH SANTA ቨርያ OF MAINE "Education not egislation® Lsgietatoi LET THOSE RIDE DECIDE'

Location Windsor Fair Grounds

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Waterville, ME 04901


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