Events Calendar
Moosehead Lake, Mount Kineo, dams, booms, fishing, logging, shipbuilding, and Maine’s Native people - the Kennebec River connects so many things, places, and people. Winslow native, Ray Caron, shares a passion for our local history and is this month’s history talk presenter. He is also President of the Friends of Fort Halifax. This month he will share with us a broader view, beyond Winslow and the Fort, to the value of the Kennebec River throughout our history as it travels from its origins to the Atlantic Ocean. Ray will guide us down the river from Moosehead Lake. The audience will help shape the flow of this history talk with their questions and input. Of course, there will be an extra emphasis on our Waterville and Winslow area of the river. See historic photos, maps, and artifacts with connections to the Kennebec River. Ray is gracious enough to incorporate items from the collection at Waterville Historical Society into his presentation for everyone to enjoy.
NOTE: We are returning to the Saturday schedule for history talks to allow for daylight driving. Please join us Saturday, November 9th. Share this announcement; bring a friend! The door opens at 2:00 for light refreshments and socializing. Ray’s presentation begins at 2:30. Admission is free. Donations are gladly accepted. We hope to see you on the 9th.