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Main Street Provisions Triple Tasting
Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 05:00pm - 07:00pm
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TASTING EVENT! Triple the fun!!!
Reminder about our tasting event next Tuesday, 2/27 from 5-7pm. We are hosting three different local vendors/distributors.
Josh Sullivan from Devenish Wines will be here taking us on a trip through the Iberian Peninsula - focusing on wines from Spain and Portugal. Stay tuned for a sneak peek at those five wines prior to the event.
Our good friends from Freedom's Edge Cider will be here as well. Sharing three of their most popular cider's - original, sweet mullet, and juice!!! Not to be missed for those cider fans out there.
And of course, Balfour Farm will be here! They have three different cheeses to pair with our wine and cider.

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Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce
50 Elm Street
Waterville, ME 04901


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