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District 7790 Conference 2024 Conférence du District
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 08:00am - 05:00pm

Plan to join us in Waterville - on June 21, 22, and 23 for the 2024 District Conference. Our Keynote Speaker will be Kevin Hines, author, filmmaker, mental health advocate, and suicide prevention activist. There will be amazing speakers, interactive activities, a summer garden party, a House of Friendship, and many opportunities to experience Hope in Action! Rotarians: To register for the District Conference: Follow the link below or on the lower right of this page. You'll also find more conference resources under the Links and Download sections of this page, including our District Conference video, agenda, lodging information, special activities! Members of the public who wish to attend the Keynote Presentation with Kevin Hines may purchase a ticket via the blue "Register for Kevin Hines Talk" button on the upper right of this page.


Keynote Speaker: Kevin Hines

Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 11:00 am - 12:15 pm

Public Tickets  for Keynote Presentation Available Now on this website for $25 USD / $33.25 CAD * Click on the blue registration button!
*Please note ticket prices are listed in Canadian dollars. US credit cards will be converted to US price. 

Kevin Hines is a storyteller. He is a best selling author, global public speaker, and award winning documentary filmmaker. In the Year 2000, Kevin attempted to take his life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Many factors contributed to his miraculous survival including a sea lion which kept him afloat until the Coast Guard arrived. Kevin now travels the world sharing his story of hope, healing, and recovery while teaching people of all ages the art of wellness & the ability to survive pain with true resilience. 

His motto: #BeHereTomorrow and every day after that. 

He is one of only thirty-six (less than 1%) to survive the fall from the Golden Gate Bridge.

In 2016, Mental Health America awarded Kevin their highest honor, The Clifford W. Beers Award for his efforts to improve the lives of and attitudes toward people with mental illnesses. Previously, he was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Council of Behavioral Health in partnership with Eli Lilly. Kevin has also been awarded by SAMSHA as a Voice Awards Fellow and Award Winner, an Achievement Winner by the US Veterans Affairs and received over 30 U.S. military excellence medals as a civilian.

Kevin sat on the boards of the International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF), the Bridge Rail Foundation (BRF) and the Mental Health Association of San Francisco (MHASF) and on the Survivors Committee of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 

Previously, he was a board member of the Northern California Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and was a two-term member of San Francisco’s Mental Health Board. He has spoken in congressional hearings alongside Patrick Kennedy in support of The Mental Health Parity Bill. He continues his policy work as an Ambassador to the National Council for Behavioral Health.

In the summer of 2013, Kevin released his bestselling memoir titled Cracked Not Broken, Surviving and Thriving After A Suicide Attempt. He is currently producing a documentary entitled Suicide: The Ripple Effect

Kevin’s will to live and stay mentally well has inspired people worldwide. His compelling story has touched diverse, global audiences within colleges and universities, high schools, corporations, clergy, military, clinicians, health and medical communities, law enforcement organizations, and various industries. Thousands have communicated to Hines that his story helped save their lives. He has reached millions with his story.

His story was featured in the 2006 film The Bridge by the film director and producer Eric Steel. 

Kevin believes in the power of the human spirit and in the fact that you can find the ability to live mentally well. His mantra: “Life is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Cherish it always.”

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Waterville, ME 04901


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